Nakatomi Plaza Candle
Nakatomi Plaza Candle
Avenge Hans Gruber by destroying Nakatomi Plaza, with our Nakatomi Plaza Candle!
Q: Is this candle scented?
A: Yes! It smells like broken glass, duct tape, and $640 million in bearer bonds.
Q: …Really?
A: Ha, no of course not! It smells like a Christmas tree.
Q: How long will the candle last?
A: If you burn it for one minute every Christmas Eve, it will last the rest of your life. But if you leave it burning, it will last about three hours.
Q: Will the wax melt all over everything?
A: Yes, definitely. You have been warned.
Q: Is it reasonable for the Nakatomi Corporation to have an office party on Christmas Eve?
A: Well, no. But they were punished disproportionately.
Amazing candle! My only regret is not buying more! Please make more of these beauties to share with the world!!
Yippie Ki-Yay Nakatomi Plaza..
This is a very unique piece and nice detail of the tower. Part of my action movie memorabilia collection!
I got this for my fiance, who talks way too much about Die Hard and he loves it! He is now trying to create a tiny Hans Gruber figure to hang off the side so it is also inspiring some arts and crafts as well as a fair amount of frustration.
Since my sister actually worked in the Nakatomi Plaza, I thought this would make a great gift! We'll see!